Web, Data and General Purpose Software Development since the turn of the century.
Leader with an Engagement First, Collaboration Centered Ethos.
Systems Intuitor, Operational and Technical Diagnostics Enthusiast; Driven to Learn and Grow as Member of a Team.
Everything starts with reading. Read docs, people, environments, dashboards and slack threads. Read; and try my best to understand the underlying dynamics of everything. Software is hard, but it is impossible if you don't know what you really need to do.
I don't scale. People en masse & machines scale, I need to focus on giving others as many tools as possible so they can perform at peak. That means paying attention to the people I support. The more authentic my engagement with others, the more authentic they will be with me. I will always take a half dozen engineers in a high-trust environment over an army of capacity.
There are a slew of PDCA and OODA Loop strategies that I find helpful. Over time I've adapted what I've read & experienced into a, Work Small, Share, Listen and Repeat flow. It doesn't matter if I'm in a leadership or development position; I find incredible benefit from breaking things down and connecting often
Although it's often environmentally dependent it's important to always have a set of heuristics to guide decisions. For example something like the Strategic vs Utility View. Mistakes may be made, but if I have used clear and consistent reasoning for a decision, it will be much easier to course correct when needed.
Fun, I love solving problems, especially multi-disciplinary challenges. I tend to be okay at most things, but expert-ish at a few things. I thrive in environments where there is a large span of gears to integrate.
People. It's a bit of a contradiction as I'm often confounded by what drives people, but I truly enjoy watching others slip into a true flow state. When I see someone take an idea or question of mine; really grok it; and begin to run in a totally unexpected direction. That is pure joy for me.
Value. I can build things that just need to be created, but if I can wrap my head around the Value being created it's a whole lot easier to rally myself as well as anyone along for the ride.
Other Stuff
Family - just wow, from the fear, to the pride, to the toe gripping love; family, however you define it, is amazing.
Reading - often just YA fun, but anything that makes my brain spin in a useful direction.
Writing - I've always liked seeing what I can do with words, editing is my boulder.
Music - Playing or listening. I'm team rhythmic.
Motion - Riding a bike, walking, swimming just being outside and moving is key to my mental health.
20+ years developing professionally across the stack including but not limited to Java, C#, T-SQL, JavaScript and Python...
30+ years of dabbling in dozens of technologies from Micro Processors, to Apple Basic, even Go for this project.
10+ years leading teams in a variety of capacities and environments.
Industries including Telecom, Health, Retail, Legal and Insurance
Roles including Developer, Lead, Architect, Principle, Distinguished, Manager and Director